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- Are Ghost Pokémon Kinky?
Are Ghost Pokémon Kinky?
Barney celebrates the PlayTyme relaunch with an unhinged look at Pokémons’ kinks!

Hi. I’m Barney. And I’m here to answer the important questions, like “are Ghost-type Pokémon kinky?”
I once wrote a piece rating how queer Fairy-types were and it got me thinking, if the Babadook’s a queer icon, are all Ghost-types LGBT+? The answer is yes, of course. Obviously. Don’t be silly.
But are they kinky? To celebrate PlayTyme’s relaunch, let’s find out! I will be listing all of the Ghost-type Pokémon so far, including Gen IX, and stating whether or not I think they’re kinky and what kink I think they represent or engage in.
We start with Annihilape, who is both a monkey player and a filth pig who loves to spank. Awesome.

Next is the Gengar line, beginning with Gastly. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Is Gastly kinky? Do birds fly?”, I mean come on. She’s a breath play queen. The toothy gimp mask face tells all. Next is Haunter, who’s grabby hands are obviously experienced tickle torture devices. The tongue action going on is strong with this one, she kinky AF. Finally, Gengar is a total voyeur. Shadow-bound grinning creep with glowing eyes? Okay Babadook. We love to see it, but her Mega and Gigantamax forms open her up to the realm of vore. You thought those gnashers were just for show?

Alolan Marowak’s kinky. Look at her. She’s a fire player and a masked slut at that.

Hisuian Typhlosion may look demure, but I think she’ll melt hot candle wax all over you and play with some of these heat sensations.

Next is Misdreavus, who has a pearl necklace. You heard that right. She’s a pillow queen and a cum slut, confirmed. She may not be the kinkiest mon, but when she evolves that all changes. Ooky spooky Babadooky, Mismagius is one hell of a kinky bastard. Lovers are spellbound by her hypnotic beauty. She’s a dominatrix. Flutter Mane has a pearl necklace just like Misdreavus (wink wink, nudge nudge), but also has a furry side.

Next is Galarian Corsola, who is a miserable vanilla sod. I said what I said. Cursola likes the spiky aesthetic, but wearing a harness one time isn’t quite on par with the next kinky Ghost.

Shedinja is a cuck. And a hole. She’s kinktastic.

Sabeleye is a greedy bottom, but Mega Sableye is more switchy. She’s a giver and a taker, she’s a dom and a sub. She’s kink-lite but she’s there.

Shuppet has a horn, ergo Shuppet is horny. A horny puppet enthusiast, now that’s more like it! Banette’s even wilder, with a whole dollification angle to go with that zip-mouthed gimp suit, which gets more revealing in her Mega form.

Duskull doesn’t really play. The mask is for anonymity only. Boring. Dusclops is joining the tickle crowd and playing with different rubbery and leathery materials, but she’s still shy and finding her feet. It’s Dusknoir who completes the kink journey by becoming a fully-fledged rubber gainer. That gaping maw is hungry for you. Literally.

Next is Drifloon, inflation enthusiast for sure, but still a bit new to it. Then there’s Drifblim, who goes full looner and really embraces that journey. Squeaky fun for this kinky fucker!

Rotom is into electro and will e-stim your fidget spinners until you ding. She’s extremely versatile and she’ll try anything at least once. A very experienced kinkster.

Froslass is a coquettish slut who’s entering her side era and really taking the time to get to know herself. We stan.

Spiritomb’s a ravenous, sinful poly queen. Of course she is a kinkster. She’s a dom top who loves inflicting pain. Sadism 101, or rather, 108.

Giratina’s got a transformation fetish and watches tentacle porn. Facts are facts. Both forms are equally kinky and she’s fluid between her roles as a power player.

Yamask is doing a bit of roleplay with her mask, but Galarian Yamask isn’t even that kinky with her little impact play tail. Cofagrigus is all about encasement and heavy bondage. She’ll wrap you up in bindings with those nimble fingers - her ropework is unparalleled. Runerigus is living her roleplay life and that’s great but really not that kinky if you ask me.

Hisuian Zorua is a plushsuit fanatic, but pretty softcore. Love to see more of an ace spectrum queen. Hisuian Zoroark is a cosplayer and fursuiter who has a huge transformation kink.

Frillish are a couple of kinky weirdos doing some fun clothing control. They’re playing with gender, they like to get wet. They’re doing it. Jellicent are playing more with gender roles. There’s moustache play and feminisation. They’re pushing boundaries. Delightful perverts.

Litwick is into wax play and we love that for her. Lampent’s a little more coy, though. She’s into discreetly sucking the souls out of people, i.e. catch her at the glory hole living her anonymous life. Chandelure’s where the heat turns up. She is into fireplay, baby, and she burns all night long.

Golett’s a fetishist. They’re all about objectification and total control. Golurk’s kinky - ‘lurk’ is in the name! They’re a total slave and love being an automaton or drone. They will obey their Master’s every command.

Honedge is doing knifeplay, duh. Her shiny form is literally blood-drenched, so there’s that. Doublade continues this trend, including the sanguinated shiny form, but is also known to play with other sensory torture with their unnerving metallic scraping sounds. Aegislash is still drawing blood, but also incorporates more of a power play element. In Blade Forme, they’re dominant, but in Shield Forme they’re submissive. However, they recognise the potential of a worthy dom and so I’d say they’re more of a dom-leaning switch.

Phantump is an ageplayer. That much should be obvious. Trevenant is a mixed bag of horny! Also an ageplayer, just not a Little, heavily into caning, bondage/entrapment & vore… What a wonderful weirdo.

Pumpkaboo is a gainer - ranging from Small to Super Size! Gourgeist are also gainers, but have added muscles to the kink list and if that body shape wasn’t indication enough, they’re into insertion.

Hoopa Confined loves bondage and suspension. She’s a total sub and a brat and loves imprisonment.

Decidueye is a bird player. Yes, that’s a thing. But don’t confuse this avian fetishist for some friendly duck mascot: they’re also a voyeuristic sadist who has an affinity for shackles and inflicting pain.

Oricorio’s Sensu Style is pretty vanilla and doesn’t play often. She has some gear, but only really likes the aesthetic.

Sandygast is all about entombing and burying, but also loves a bit of hypnosis and control. Palossand surprisingly isn’t into mud play, since wet sensations aren’t her thing, but is definitely into size difference and squashing. Subs gets hypno’d, squished and enveloped.

Mimikyu is a Furry, but don’t let her shyness fool you; she’s a Master in her disguised form and a slave in her Busted Form. Definitely a sub-leaning switch.

Another bondage lover comes in the form of Dhelmise, who also loves impact play and mummification.

Lunala is a kinky vampire whose Full Moon phase shows her true colours. She’s a femme cosplayer who loves a bit of horror play.

Dawn Wings Necrozma is teaming up with Lunala for a fear play session in the dark. They love fulfilling others’ fantasies and joining in session to explore new kinks

Marshadow is a fear player who loves to work through some stuff with intense, long sessions. Empathic and normally voyeuristic, when it becomes Zenith Marshadow is when it really lets those emotions out in a session.

Blacephalon is a clown! We love to see the representation. A looner clown who likes it hot and ends a session with a bang! Fantastic. What a fun guy.

Despite appearances, Sinistea is not kinky. The Antique Form may look like an interesting freaky fellow, but they’ve just got a distinct fashion sense and the Phony Form Sinistea are just copying the look. Polteageist saw Beauty and the Beast and decided to base their whole life around it. They’re insufferable. Worse, they change their personality constantly to whatever they think is cool at the moment and that’s the Antique Form! The Phony Form are very annoying.

Dreepy are Littles and bratty ones at that! Drakloak is the Big Bro to Dreepy, but has their own interests as well. They’re obviously a dragon player and engage in some breath play as, although never alone! You’ll notice Dreepy always accompany them for safety. Dragapult are the Caregivers of this ageplaying trio, lovingly looking after Dreepy. They’re a little more discreet when it comes to their other kinks, but they’re no doubt a fountain of wisdom when you get to know them.

Spectrier is a pony player. Next.

Shadow Rider Calyrex is Spectrier’s Handler, obviously, but also engages in some bunny play. There’s some fun power dynamics going on here.

Basculegion are wet and messy players who love watersports and gunge. Some are sissies, some are bros, both are horny. They’re hungry bottoms who love being bred with multiple seeds.

Skeledirge is into being worshipped. They love having a sub fuss over them and I’m sure they’d give bootblacking a go if they wore boots. They’re very caring and soothing as a Dom and keep their sub close.

Ceruledge is a Master. She’s into hot knife play and permanent marks. Extreme stuff, very kinky.

Bramblin are vanilla. They’re squeamish and prudish and will tell you all about what they know they don’t like. Brambleghast changes this. They love to bind and pierce, and are always up for an orgy.

Greavard is a Beta pup who’s also into wax play. Houndstone is an Alpha mutt who loves to bite.

Gimmighoul is a finsub in her Roaming Form and a findom in her Chest Form. Gholdengo is a Cash Master greedily taking from her many cash pigs and accepting their worship. She’s living large.

And there you have it! That’s every Ghost-Type Pokémon so far up until Gen IX. So as you can see, Ghost Pokémon are kinky fuckers. Well, most of them. On the whole. Whether more kinky fucks show up in the The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero we’re yet to see.
This concludes my analysis of how kinky Ghost Pokémon are on a scale of vanilla to perv.
Did any of these weirdos inspire you to go fly your freak flag? You depraved sods. Enjoy the rest of your day and be good people!